Flyer Thumbnails

It's a problem that has been growing and evolving and taking different forms for hundreds of years in America. It has been at the forefront of political debates, global protests, executives' meeting rooms, and the working class's doorstep. It has successfully destroyed millions of lives and the problem is only getting worse. This is mass incarceration.

In the past 40 years, the number of prisoners in the United States alone has risen nearly 600%. This means that 25% of the world's prisoners are locked up right here in America with the majority of them being minority groups. In fact, 1 in 3 African Americans are likely to face imprisonment as young adults. Let's compare that to white people, where the numbers are 1 in 17 people; see the damn problem now?

With a system that built its roots in these injustices in the last few centuries, the only way to bring real change is to not be SILENT, but LOUD. To express your voice and to bring awareness to the masses that this cannot be slid under any more rugs. The government has been sliding this moral issue under rugs even at the worst times, and it is TIME to bring this injustice to a halt. Especially with social media, it is our time to spread awareness in the loudest way possible, to as many people as possible. The more people enlightened by the issue, the closer we are to what America should stand for, freedom, and that freedom is coming sooner than some might think but don't get this twisted, it is coming. 


  1. Hello Noah.

    The first thumbnail is strong. The "call for action" engages the reader. The boldness of "SILENT" and "THE PROBLEM" put emphasis on how someone's silence is the problem. Maybe that should be colored red to stand out.
    - The first thumbnail also needs a graphic, so the reader can have a visual to base the words on.

    The second thumbnail's graphic gives the reader the statistical background of this message. The data shown automatically tells the reader how long this problem has occurred for as well. The call for action should tell the reader to do something rather than just say this is "Law and Order"

    The third thumbnail needs more structure. Too many words can leave the reader confused and unfocused. Focus of one to two words you want to stand out. This thumbnail needs a graphic. Preferably a visual that shows fake news.

  2. The thumbnails are really strong. The first one should have an image that is bigger. Maybe a transparent image across the whole back of the page. Instead of having the picture of the handcuffs in that small area maybe that could be your transparent background picture. For the third thumbnail, The emphasis should be on the statistic. Maybe make the statistic bigger and the statements above the statistic smaller. There should also be an attention grabber like maybe an image. Right now there are a lot of words on the page, nothing that looks really intriguing. Overall great job, very strong thumbnails keep it up.

    1. The second thumbnail is very creative the way you used the cell bars to create a statistical visual. Catches attention right away. Possibly change the heading, makes it seem like you are referring to one of the law and order tv shows.

  3. The second thumbnail should be the final flyer layout. But instead of Law and Order, perhaps call attention to the fact that this is NOT about Law and Order, it's about the injustices that young black men face where incarceration is concerned. so perhaps the header could say “Law & Order” but there is a graffiti like text spray painted , and added to the header. Like “The” in front of the word “Law” cross out the “&”, and replace with an ”=”; then you could have “Dis” in front of and overlapping “Order” - so it now reads as “The Law = Disorder” — make sure to have enough room for body copy and the required hashtag / social media icons / a logo of an organization / contact info. Please refer to the first video again, or see the example on the blog.


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