This call to action flyer is about saving our oceans. This flyer will NOT be covering the use of anything plastic. This includes straws, bottles, etc. Although plastics do harm the ocean, it is such a minuscule amount, that they shouldn't be flaunted the way it is on social media. There is one main threat to our oceans and it is as simple as this: Commercial. Fishing. It's full-blown global corruption and the social media world continues to smother our timelines with 'alternatives to plastic'. Once again, plastic is still an issue, but the immediate threat to our oceans is mass fishing enterprises that produce massive amounts of bycatch due to overfishing. Bycatch is when fishing industries catch large quantities of fish unintentionally while searching for another species of fish. These fish that are accidentally caught are typically released back into the water, but most of the time, it's too late.

Most of the population believe that our oceans might have another few centuries left of sustainable life, however, there is research that says otherwise. Many experts claim that with the amount of bycatch and fishing gear that is thrown into the ocean each year, our oceans have a fraction of that amount of time left before the damage is almost irreversible. According to The Guardian, 87% of our oceans are damaged by human impact. This is an overbearing number that the world needs to learn about sooner than later. The more we wait, the higher that number will rise, and by then it might be too late and the images of our oceans will only grow more depressing. Everything from sealife losing every home available, to recognizable species going extinct, the time for change is now.

By addressing the catastrophic disasters our oceans are facing, and more importantly, WHO is responsible for it, we can bring change to these numbers. Right now, more than 3/4 of the oceans that have been impacted by humans, have been the fishing companies. With overfishing and the resulting bycatch on the rise, species will become extinct and the circle of life will be damaged beyond repair. Not to mention that oceans account for nearly 80% of our planet's oxygen! So when we put it this way, there is no reason not to join this fight against the corporations, and save these great oceans that we rely on.


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